Featured Events

Everyone is welcome to attend! These are selected upcoming events. Please see our calendar for our full listing of activities.

Handbell Concert

Handbell Concert

On Saturday May 28th at 4:00 pm, Philadelphia Bronze will be holding a handbell concert at Upper Dublin Lutheran Church. This is a free event with the option to donate. We hope to see you there! 

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UDLC Mental Health Focus, Pastor Sarah Lund

UDLC Mental Health Focus, Pastor Sarah Lund

In the month of May we have invited two pastors and authors to join us to share their insights. May 9th at 7 PM we will be hosting Pastor Sarah Lund, author of Blessed Youth: Breaking the Silence about Mental Illness with Children and Teens.

This event is for all ages. All are welcome! To lean more and sign up for the Mental Health events visit, udlc.org/mentalhealth.

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Sign up for Garden Care Today!
to Oct 30

Sign up for Garden Care Today!

The garden needs to be tended throughout the season.  The needs of the garden vary throughout the season, and we will happily help you figure out what responsibilities you may have during your week(s). The basics, though, are watering, weeding, and harvesting!

You can sign up for a week (or more!) of garden care anytime between April and October at,  udlc.org/garden

Please contact Kathleen Getaz with any questions, kgetaz@udlc.org.

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Lenape Center Living Land Acknowledgment Workshop

Lenape Center Living Land Acknowledgment Workshop

What do you know about the original inhabitants of the Delaware Valley, the Lenape? The only thing I knew was what I learned from a school field trip with my kids years ago to the Lenape Village at the Churchville Nature Center.

However, the Lenape have a long, rich, complicated, tragic, and hopeful story, which we will learn more about in this Zoom Living Land Acknowledgement Workshop on Tuesday, March 15th from 7-9pm. We will learn about the Lenape past and present and how we can better understand, partner, and support the thriving of indigenous peoples today.

For this offering, we are partnering with The Lenape Center, which has the mission of continuing the Lenape homeland through community, culture, and the arts. Since 2009, Lenape Center based in Manhattan and led by Lenape elders has created programs, exhibitions, workshops, performances, symposia, land acknowledgment, and ceremonies to continue the Lenape presence.

There are 40 spots available for this workshop so register soon! Contact Pastor Keith for Zoom registration information. You can read more about the Living Land Acknowledgment Workshop here. Did you know that UDLC has a Land Acknowledgement on its website? You can find it at https://udlc.org/land-acknowledgement. - Pastor Keith

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Good Enough Lenten Bookgroup with Pastor Keith

Good Enough Lenten Bookgroup with Pastor Keith

Pastor Keith will be hosting a Lenten book group on Thursday evenings in Lent on Zoom at 7pm (March 10th, 17th, 24th, 31st, and April 7th.) We will be reading the collection of devotions "Good Enough" by Kate Bowler and Jessica Richie. There is a brief reflection, prayer, or blessing for each day of Lent, and we'll get together to discuss our experience each week. Anyone is welcome to join!

Pre-order your copy of Good Enough now and learn more about the book here.

Contact Pastor Keith for the Zoom link.

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New Member Class

New Member Class

Are you new or newish to UDLC and are considering becoming a member? Join us for an in-person/Zoom gathering on Thursday, February 24th at 7:00 pm. If you’d like to attend in-person, we will be in the Son Room. If you want to Zoom in, you can do that at udlc.org/newmembersudlc.org/newmembers.

We’ll get to know one another and how our journeys have led us to UDLC. We’ll talk about the church, what membership means, and answer your questions! Over this COVID time, folks have connected with us in all sorts of ways—in person, online, locally, and from afar. We are grateful for all the ways we have been able to connect and that we will finally have a New Members Class to “officially” welcome you! 
-Pastor Keith

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Hanging of the Greens & Gingerbread House Decorating

Hanging of the Greens & Gingerbread House Decorating

New this year!!…We’ll have pre-assembled gingerbread houses for you to enjoy decorating! Join us Sunday, December 19th from 3:00-5:00 PM for our Hanging of the Greens (church decoration) and Gingerbread House Decorating! To register for the event visit, udlc.org/greens. Please sign up ASAP so we can be certain to have enough!  For question please contact Livvy Steffens, lsteffens@udlc.org, 215-870-7787. 

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Blue Christmas Worship Service

Blue Christmas Worship Service

The holidays can be a complicated time filled with mixed emotions, especially if we have experienced some kind of loss. Our annual Blue Christmas service honors the complexity of our experience this season with a beautiful service of comfort and hope. You can attend in-person in the Sanctuary or watch the livestream at udlc.org

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Join us Friday October 15th from 6-9 PM at UDLC for Oktoberfest! Hot dogs, soft pretzels, beer, and sweet treats will be available. The fee is $5 per adult, free for children.

Please sign up by Wednesday October 13th at udlc.org/oktoberfest 

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Women’s Bible Study

Women’s Bible Study

Join us for Women’s Bible Study at 9:30 AM in the Lounge. Our topic this Fall is the Book of Genesis. We hope to do a hybrid format: meeting in-person in the lounge and simultaneously on ZOOM. Join the conversation on Wednesday mornings by registering at: Women's Bible Study Registration.

If you have any questions, email Elizabeth Kozakowski ekozakowski@gmail.com.

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Adult Forum

Adult Forum

Adult Forum meets every Sunday at 11 AM in the Lounge. We will be meeting in-person or via Zoom. October 3rd, 10th, and 17th, we will have Professor of Hebrew scriptures, the Rev., Dr. Bob Robinson. Dr. Robinson will lead us in an examination of the concept of "Creation Theology." 

To attend the event via Zoom you can register here: Adult Forum Zoom Registration. All of the forums will be recorded and able to be accessed after the event. To answer the weekly Adult Forum Reflection Questions visit: Please call Dottie Long at 215-760-3041 with any questions.

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Faith in the Future Series with Abigail Rusert in Conversation with Pastor Keith

Faith in the Future Series with Abigail Rusert in Conversation with Pastor Keith

About “Faith in the Future” Series

The “Faith in the Future” series is all about equipping our church to thrive in the future by hosting conversations with some of the leading experts (and Pastor Keith’s brilliant friends) in being the church in the 21st Century.

This title intentionally has a double meaning. We will be reflecting on what faith will look like in the future, and, at the same time, affirming our faith in the future—that is, in God’s future and the blessings that God has in store for our church and our ministry.

About this Event

Abigail is the Director of the Institute for Youth Ministry and teaches a practicum course in youth ministry at Princeton Theological Seminary. She is the Principal Investigator on the Log College Project grant—an initiative to help churches research and design new forms of youth ministry for the 21st Century. Abigail has worked with youth and adults as an associate pastor, youth director, seminary intern, chaplain, and camp counselor. She speaks regularly at ministry training events, churches, and conferences. Abigail is a graduate of Valparaiso University and Princeton Theological Seminary. She and her husband, Thomas, live in Doylestown, Pennsylvania with their kids: Dorothy, Solveig, and Frank.

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Indoor Worship

Indoor Worship

Be sure to join us for the return of indoor worship on Sunday mornings! Starting May 9th we will be offering indoor services beginning at 10 AM in the Indoor Chapel. Due to COVID restrictions we will be limiting the number of attendees to 30 people. You can sign up for the upcoming Sundays here: May 16, May 23, May 30. Hope to see you there! 

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Outdoor Worship

Outdoor Worship

Now that spring is here, we are starting worship services in our beautiful outdoor chapel, weather permitting. Sign-ups are required to attended to ensure we can remain safely distanced. Sign up for upcoming Sunday here: May 16, May 23, May 30

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Faith in the Future Series with Special Guests Dr. Lisa Kimball and Rev. Tricia Lyons in Conversation with Pastor Keith

Faith in the Future Series with Special Guests Dr. Lisa Kimball and Rev. Tricia Lyons in Conversation with Pastor Keith

About “Faith in the Future” Series

The “Faith in the Future” series is all about equipping our church to thrive in the future by hosting conversations with some of the leading experts (and Pastor Keith’s brilliant friends) in being the church in the 21st Century.

This title intentionally has a double meaning. We will be reflecting on what faith will look like in the future, and, at the same time, affirming our faith in the future—that is, in God’s future and the blessings that God has in store for our church and our ministry.

About this Event

We will be joined by two of Pastor Keith’s ministry heroes and favorite people, Dr. Lisa Kimball and The Rev. Dr. Tricia Lyons, who are among the most insightful, generous, and deeply caring leaders in the church today. They are both professors at Virginia Theological (Episcopal) Seminary. A married couple, they marry together the passion for faith formation (Lisa’s area) and evangelism (Tricia’s specialty). We know you will really enjoy this time together. We’ll laugh, learn, dream, and be inspired to live our faith and lead our church into the future.

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Faith in the Future Series with Timothy Wengert in Conversation with Pastor Keith

Faith in the Future Series with Timothy Wengert in Conversation with Pastor Keith

About “Faith in the Future” Series

The “Faith in the Future” series is all about equipping our church to thrive in the future by hosting conversations with some of the leading experts (and Pastor Keith’s brilliant friends) in being the church in the 21st Century.

This title intentionally has a double meaning. We will be reflecting on what faith will look like in the future, and, at the same time, affirming our faith in the future—that is, in God’s future and the blessings that God has in store for our church and our ministry.

About this Dr. Wengert

Timothy J. Wengert is one of the most preeminent and prolific scholars in the world today. And he taught both Pastor Keith and Lindsay Bates about the Lutheran Confessions. He will join us to talk about how our Lutheran tradition and theology provides a platform to speak to the world now and into the future.

Wengert was born in Teaneck, New Jersey in 1950. After receiving Bachelor's and Master's degrees at the University of Michigan, he studied at Luther Seminary in St. Paul, Minnesota (M.Div. 1977) and Duke University (Ph.D. 1984). An ordained pastor of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (1977), he was professor of Reformation History at the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia from 1989 until his retirement in 2013. He writes on topics of Reformation history and theology, especially on Martin Luther and Philip Melanchthon. In 2000 he received the "Melanchthon Prize" from the city of Bretten, Germany (where Melanchthon was born). Twice he has been asked to give plenary addresses at the International Luther Congress (1997 and 2017). He is author or editor of over twenty books and in 2015 edited the first volume of "The Annotated Luther" (The Roots of Reform), published by Fortress Press, Minneapolis.

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Covid Commemoration Service

Covid Commemoration Service

We join you in grieving the lives lost to the coronavirus pandemic, and we share the pain of anxiety and loss in these uncertain times. Join us for worship as we remember and grieve those we have lost to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Visit this page to share the name of a friend or loved one who has died from COVID and we will read their name during the service

The worship service will be streamed to our Youtube channel, here.

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Faith in the Future Series with Lindsay Bates in Conversation with Pastor Keith

Faith in the Future Series with Lindsay Bates in Conversation with Pastor Keith

About “Faith in the Future” Series

The “Faith in the Future” series is all about equipping our church to thrive in the future by hosting conversations with some of the leading experts (and Pastor Keith’s brilliant friends) in being the church in the 21st Century.

This title intentionally has a double meaning. We will be reflecting on what faith will look like in the future, and, at the same time, affirming our faith in the future—that is, in God’s future and the blessings that God has in store for our church and our ministry.

About this Event

Pastoral Associate, Lindsay Bates, has been spent the past two years researching what Faith communities that look different than the well-loved model of worship on Sunday morning and bible study on Wednesday evening. She has found that most Churches that innovate well do so from a place of loving their communities, finding ways of being the Church that might look different in order to meet their community’s needs. Join us to hear about these congregations and dream about how UDLC might share our love and sense of humor with Ambler in a new way.

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