Our Strategic Plan ~ Forward in Faith
Upper Dublin Lutheran Church has a strategic plan, Forward in Faith (FIF), for the future that identifies five necessary actions needed for us to grow and thrive for the next generation and beyond.
Our goal is to take what we love about UDLC, and what makes us unique, and carry it forward into the community. The plan began with hearing from the congregation followed by updating our Mission Statement, Vision and Values . Our updated FIF Plan honors our past, recognizes present opportunities and challenges while moving us forward to achieve our future vision.
Our five key areas of strategic focus are:
Improve prospective member engagement and existing member retention
Use re-imagined new member education and joining process
Implement our Member Care Team services to support members in a variety of circumstances
Expand our inclusive church through our Reconciling in Christ commitment and Advocacy Team
Encourage diversity in leadership, staff, membership and community partnerships
Grow our reach as an innovative “digital cathedral”
Identify and leverage member talents and interests to strategically grow volunteerism
Plan innovative ways to engage and educate prospective volunteers
Conduct regular training for congregation leadership, lay leaders, ministry teams, task forces
Use our restructured Ministry Team culture to reflect our values.
Create a holistic approach to adult faith formation offerings while expanding small group ministries
Strengthen our Children’s Church using the unique Godly Play curriculum
Modernize and strengthen Youth program and tailor it to the combined wants and needs of them and their families
Unify church members of all ages with on-going intergenerational activities
Support new forms of young adult ministry including collaborations in the Ambler community
Create self-sustaining innovative ministry projects and partnerships
Initiate a signature area ministry beginning with assessing unmet community needs
Impact year-long giving from congregation’s generosity to support the church and community
Prepare to launch a three-year Capital Campaign (2024 – 2027) to support essential church maintenance and improvements to enhance the stewardship of our building and environment
Increase and use the potential of legacy giving to support operating demands given changing demographics and generational interests.
Help Move UDLC Forward
We need interested and available volunteers…in other words, we need YOU!
As a valued member of our church community or someone considering membership, your involvement is vital to the continued success of this plan. UDLC leadership has assembled Ministry Teams aligned with our five key areas above to efficiently move each of the activities forward.
We invite you to consider helping our church move Forward in Faith by volunteering your time, talents and special interests. No specific increment of time is required, simply join a team, contribute, learn, meet new people and grow!
For more information on how you can become a volunteer, call 215-646-7999 (Mon. – Fri. 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM).