Strategic Area 1: Widening our Welcome

Widening our Welcome

Towards the end of 2021, through the Forward in Faith initiative, UDLC came up with a plan for the future. The plan was divided into 5 Strategic Areas. This is an update on Strategic Area 1, which is Widening Our Welcome. Strategic Area 1 was broken down into 4 focuses:

  1. Improving Member Recruitment and Retention

The restart of coffee hour has paid many dividends for several months now. It's well attended and serves as a great opportunity to reacquaint with people you haven't seen since 2020. I'd encourage anyone who hasn't been there yet this year to give it a try. Stay for a few minutes or the whole hour, bring a mask or don't, and your kids can have as many pastries as they want. It's also a great opportunity to meet new members who joined during the pandemic but were confined to the live stream. Many of those folks are present here, now, and you can get to know them and extend the warm welcome that UDLC is known for. Coffee hour is also a welcome break from the virtual-only interaction that still dominates the rest of the week for so many of us.

2. The Second Focus is fortifying and expanding Member Care

Member Care is a committee that does specific things, but includes the larger umbrella of love & support shown by all our fellow members. All of us are Member Care. Dottie Long continues to lead member care for senior members. But, they're looking to expand to younger members, such as new parents, perhaps giving meals to those who are now feeling in over their heads, as so many of us once did. Or those grieving, or struggling with their mental health. As you're likely aware, Pastor Keith's organized some excellent seminars on mental health this month, which anyone can benefit from. The first seminar was recorded and posted on UDLC's YouTube page. Card care and visitation are other areas they're looking to expand into as well. If you're interested in helping, give your name and contact information to me, Judy Masser, Pastor Keith, or Pastor George.

3. To Build a More Diverse and Inclusive Church

RIC's been an amazing effort which continues to progress. Its focus is very broad: "To ensure the welcome, inclusion, celebration, and advocacy for people of all sexual orientations, gender identities, and gender expressions, as well as work for racial equity and commit to anti-racist work, and support the national program". They've completed a Welcome Statement which the council has approved. It'll be shared with the congregation in June. Please read it and feel free to give feedback to Fred Loomis, Ayla DiBatista, or either f the pastors. A survey will be going out to the congregation as well.

4. Expand the Digital Cathedral

which of course is the modernization of our technology and effective use of it to serve the congregation's needs. If you haven't noticed, there's been quite a few teleconferencing upgrades. For example, the lounge is fully equipped now for hybrid meetings and calls, with A/V technology that rivals many workplaces. The live stream is very sophisticated, thanks to Bob Masser and Tad Matsuura. Feel free to go up to the choir loft and have a look at how they do it. Bob and Tad are glad to talk about it, and they can use a helping hand from time to time too. It's a great opportunity to get experience in that area as well, if it interests you. The Ministry Discovery tool is a great asset, and may very well become the lifeblood of the church. Please use it and put thoughtful consideration into your answers. In the narthex and in the pews, you'll find flyers with a QR code that links to it.

If you're relatively new and don't know some of the names I've mentioned, you can find Council and staff members on, with pictures and contact information. I still refer to it myself quite a bit. This strategic plan is posted there as well, with links to some of the initiatives and committees involved. Thank you.


A Journey of Gratitude, Joy, and Dreams: Our Faith Formation Transition Process


“Who Are We That We Could Hinder God” by Pastor Keith