The Rev. Nelson Rivera, “Proclaiming Resurrection”

May 22nd, 2022

The Rev. Nelson Rivera,  Associate Professor of Theology at Moravian Theological Seminary, will speak on “Proclaiming Resurrection”. 

 The word about Jesus’ resurrection is central to the Christian faith. Faith is faith in the Living Christ. St. Paul argues that “If Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith.” The biblical stories about Jesus’ resurrection have been called “vehicles of proclamation.” Thus, we want to see how the message about Jesus' resurrection is the lens through which the Church and the Christian life are understood, experienced, and practiced to this day.

How does Jesus’ resurrection affect the way you experience and live out your life each day? What difference does it make for you?


Pastor Keith and Pastor George, “How Did I End Up in This Pulpit?” Pt.2